The 5 Main Elements

 The 5 Main Elements

The Main 5 fingers theory

Little finger, Ring finger, Middle Finger, Index and Thumb

Kanishtha, Anamika, Madhyama, Tarjani, Angutha


The Main 5 elements are Pritvi, Jal, Agni, Vayu and Akash


The Main Gunas are Tamogun, Rajogun, Satvagun, Shudhasatvaguna and Nirgun


The Main Koshas are:

Annamaya kosha, "foodstuff" sheath (Anna)

Pranamaya kosha, "energy" sheath (Prana/apana)

Manomaya kosha "mind-stuff" sheath (Manas)

Vijnanamaya kosha, "wisdom" sheath (Vijnana)

Anandamaya kosha, "bliss" sheath (Ananda)


The 5 Chakras which controls the above 5 Koshas

Muladhara, Swadishthana, Manipura, Anahata, & Vishuddha


Agna is the one through which you can see all Koshas and Chakras

Sahasrara is a State of being


5 Examples of 5 Gunas

Kumbhakarna, Ravana, Bibhishana, Hanuman and Rama


Chakras and Related diseases

Root Chakra: Addictions, Addictive Behavior, Ankle problems, Anorexia, Backaches, Blood diseases, Bones, Cold feet, Constipation, Colitis, Depression, Diarrhea, Eczema, Frequent urination, Gambling, Glaucoma, Hemorrhoids, Hips, Hypertension, Impotence, Itching, Kidney stones, Knee problems, Leg cramps, Menstrual Problems, Money addiction, Migraines, Obesity, Pain at base of spine, Piles, Prostate cancer, Rectal cancer, Spine problem, Sciatica, Skin problems, Stomach problems, Swollen Ankle, Weak legs, Weight problems.

Sacral Chakra: Addiction to junk food, Alcohol, Backache, Bedwetting, Bladder, Creative Blocks, Cystitis, Fear, Fertility, Fibroid, Miscarriages, Fibroids, Frigidity, Hips, Impotency, Irritable Bowel, Kidney problems, Menstrual Problems, Muscle Spasms, Ovarian Cysts, Over-eating, Pre-menstrual Syndrome, Prostates Disease, Stomach problems, Testicular Disease, Uterine Fibroids, Vomiting, Womb problem

Solar Plexus Chakra: Abdominal cramps, Acidity, Anorexia, Bulimia, Chronic tiredness, Diabetes, Digestive problems, Eating disorder, Fear, Food Allergies, Gastritis, Gall bladder problems, Gall stones, Heartburn, Hepatitis, Jaundice, Kidney problems, Less immunity, Liver problem, Pancreatitis, Peptic Ulcer, Smoking, Stomach problems, Shingles, Ulcers, Vomiting.

Heart Chakra: Allergies, Asthma, Blood circulation, Breast Cancer, Bronchitis, Chest Congestion, Circulation problems, Cough, Fatigue, Heart Diseases, High Blood pressure, Hyperventilation, Immunity, Influenza, Lungs, Nail biting, Pain in lower arms/hands, Pneumonia, Respiratory problem, Shortness of breath, Sleep disorders, Smoking, Tremor

Throat Chakra: Asthma, Bronchitis, Colds, Cough, Ear Infections, Fear, Hearing Problems, Hay fever, Hoarseness, Laryngitis, Lost Voice, Mental confusion, Mouth Ulcers, Pain in upper arm, Sore Throat, Stammer, Stiff neck, Teeth/Gums, Thyroid Problem, Tinnitus, Tonsils, Too much talking, Upper digestive track, Vomiting, Whooping cough

Brow Chakra (Third Eye) :Allergies, Amnesia, Anxiety, Blood circulation to head, Blindness, Brain Tumor, Cataracts, Cancers, Chronic tiredness, Crossed eyes, Deafness, Dizziness, Drugs, Dyslexia, ENT, Ear-ache, Fainting spells, Glaucoma, Growth issues, Headaches, High blood pressure, Hormonal imbalance, Insomnia, Left eye problem, Long-sight, Migraine, Nervousness, Nervous Breakdowns, Scalp problems Short-sightedness, Sinus Problems, Sty, Tension, Tension Headaches, Tiredness, Tremor, Visual effects, Vomiting.

Crown Chakra: Alzheimer, Amnesia, Bone disorders, Cancers, Depression, Dizziness, Epilepsy, Fear, Headache, Immune system, Insomnia, Learning difficulties, Migraine, Multiple Sclerosis, Multiple personality syndrome, Nervous system disorders, Neurosis, Paralysis, Parkinson’s Disease, Psychosis, Right-eye problem, Schizophrenia, Senile Dementia, Tiredness, Tremor, Vomiting.


The 7 Chakras and Endocrine Glands

Each of the chakras in the body is paired with an endocrine gland and governs its function. So before we go any further, here are each of the chakras, their corresponding gland, and their function:

Root chakra (1st) — Reproductive glands (testes in men; ovaries in women); controls sexual development and secretes sex hormones.

Sacral chakra (2nd) — Adrenal glands; regulates the immune system and metabolism.

Solar Plexus chakra (3rd) — Pancreas; regulates metabolism.

Heart chakra (4th) — Thymus gland; regulates the immune system.

Throat chakra (5th) — Thyroid gland; regulates body temperature and metabolism.

Third Eye chakra (6th) — Pituitary gland; produces hormones and governs the function of the previous five glands; sometimes, the pineal gland is linked to the third eye chakra as well as to the crown chakra.

Crown chakra (7th) — Pineal gland; regulates biological cycles, including sleep.


Chakras and Organs

In addition to each chakra governing one of the seven glands, keep in mind there are major organs that are also affected. Here is a list of each chakra and the organs it influences:

Root — Testes, kidneys, spine

Sacral– Bladder, prostate, ovaries, kidneys, gall bladder, bowel, spleen

Solar Plexus — Intestines, pancreas, liver, bladder, stomach, upper spine

Heart — Heart, lungs

Throat — Bronchial tubes, vocal cords, respiratory system, all areas of the mouth, including tongue and esophagus.

Third Eye — Eyes, pituitary and pineal glands, brain

Crown — Spinal cord and brain stem


References & Quotes

Cyndi Dale. The Complete Book of Chakra Healing: Activate the Transformative Power of Your Energy Centers

Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda. The Hidden Power in Humans – Chakras and Kundalini

Patricia Mercier. The Chakra Bible: The Definitive Guide to Chakra Energy


Asanas for different Chakras

Root Chakra (Muladhara) - Tree Pose (Vrksasana)

Sacral or Pelvic Chakra (Svadhisthana) - Goddess Pose (Deviasana)

Navel Chakra (Manipura) - Boat Pose (Navasana)

Heart Chakra (Anahata) - Camel Pose (Ustrasana)

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) - Supported Shoulderstand (Salamba �Sarvangasana)

Third-Eye Chakra (Anja) - Easy Pose (Sukhasana)

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) - Corpse Pose (Savasana)


The seven subtle bodies work like the vehicles of your soul and are:

The Etheric Body – First Layer.

The Emotional Body – Second Layer.

The Mental Body – Third Layer.

The Astral Level – Fourth Layer.

The Etheric Template Body – Fifth Layer.

The Celestial Body – Sixth Layer.

The Casual Body or Ketheric Template – Seventh Layer.


7 Spiritual Laws of Success - Deepak Chopra

The Law of Pure Potentiality

The Law of Giving

The Law of Karma

The Law of Least Effort

The Law of Intention and Desire

The Law of Detachment

The Law of Dharma


Journey of Soul through different kingdoms

Mineral Kingdom

Plant Kingdom

Animal Kingdom

Humanoid Kingdom

Higher Kingdoms


The Main 5 elements are Akash, Agni, Water, Vayu & Pritvi 

When they are mixed with each other form different Sub Tatvas

Akash Element 1st is Geevatma & other 4 parts are divided 

Akash Tatva + Agni Tatva = Buddhi Tatva

Akash Tatva + Prithvi = Aham Tatva

Akash Tatva + Vayu = Manas Tatva

Akash Tatva + Jal = Chitta Tatva

These are called Panch Antar Indriyas.

Vayu Element 1st half = Vyan Vayu

Other half is divided in 4 equal parts

1. Vayu Tatva + Akash Tatva = Saman Vayu

2. Vayu Tatva + Agni Tatva = Udan Vayu

3. Vayu Tatva + Jal = Pran Vayu

4. Vayu Tatva + Prithvi = Apana Vayu

These are called as Pancha Pranas

Agni Element 1 half = Eyes

Other half is divided in 4 equal parts

1. Agni + Akash = Ears

2. Agni + Vayu = Charma

3. Agni + Jal = Tongue

4. Agni + Prithvi = Nose

This is called Panch Gnanendriyas

Jal Element

1st half is changed in Rasamrit

2nd hald is divided in 4 equal parts

1. Jal + Akash = Sound

2. Jal + Vayu = Sparsha

3. Jal + Agni = Roop

4. Jal + Prithvi = Smell

This is called Panch Tanmatra or Janendriyas

Pritvi Element

1half is changed in Marma anga

2nd half is divided in 4 equal parts

Prithvi + Akash = Vak 

Prithvi + Vayu = Hand

Prithvi + Jal = Base

Prithvi + Agni = Legs

These is called Panch Karmendriyas

This is total Human body


Types of Souls

Infant Soul, Baby Soul, Young Soul, Matured Soul, Old Soul, Infinite Soul


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